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STCGTalks! Episode 1: We are delighted to launch our new Podcast series with the CEO

It's always good to talk! We have created a new podcast series called 'STCG Talks' to bring you insights, news, reviews and interviews for all things education. We will be publishing a new podcast regularly on a range of topics in the FE sector and how digital innovation and transformation are becoming part of the everyday.

In the very first episode, host Jamie interviews Peter Mayhew-Smith (CEO and Group Principal at South Thames Colleges Group).

We asked Peter a series of questions which covered the following topics:

  • How did you become involved in working in FE?

  • Leading a college group remotely during Covid-19.

  • Inspiring an FE workforce to deliver an equally wonderful student experience remotely.

  • Why we are developing a Digital Transformation Framework for the College Group.

  • How we have adapted to the digital demand since Covid-19 (adapting learning environments since the outbreak of Covid-19).

  • Communication is key. Keeping the workforce updated with daily drip feeds through his great stories, sector news and insights into activity across the college group.

Listen to the podcast to hear what Peter said...


NEXT EPISODE: Our guest speaker is Jane Morrison, Assistant Principal (Quality & Innovation) at South Thames Colleges Group.

Jane will be speaking to us about how she has led her Quality & Innovation team during the pandemic and why it is important as a leader to lead by example. Jane also talks about Microsoft 365 for Education and how she is keeping up to date with all the latest developments.




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