Teachers and staff at South Thames Colleges Group have been using the Enhance platform by the ETF to enhance their digital skills, capabilities and confidence.
The Education and Training Foundation (ETF) provides a fully subsidised training offer to support teachers and trainers in using educational technology (EdTech). The offer is hosted on the Enhance Digital Teaching Platform and is designed to help teachers develop and innovate their practice to engage learners and improve outcomes.
For an overview of the Enhance Digital Teaching Platform, please visit: https://enhance.etfoundation.co.uk/
The ETF's free EdTech offer is based on our national EdTech competency framework, the Digital Teaching Professional Framework (DTPF).
Key features of the EdTech offer include:
Free, bite-size online training modules mapped to the DTPF
An achievements badge system to reward Exploring, Adopting and Leading as set out in the DTPF
A user-centred, mobile-first design to make it easy for you to access training anywhere, anytime and using any device
Facilities to build an online community of practice
You can access the EdTech training modules on the Enhance platform without signing up but the benefits of registering are to:
Track your learning by recording modules started and completed
Earn and receive badges which will evidence your professional development
Rate individual modules and provide feedback on them (trip advisor style)
Receive recommendations for which modules to engage in next
Participate in the online EdTech community of practice
Create your personal profile